{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:32:27.721604", "uuid": "13919767-e4f6-4a09-af80-9864498bcb47", "title": "Efficient animation for web games", "url": "/en-US/docs/Games/Techniques/Efficient_animation_for_web_games", "tags": ["Animation", "Games", "JavaScript"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-01-11T11:55:18", "label": "Efficient animation for web games", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 88377, "last_edit": "2016-01-11T11:55:16", "summary": "This article covers techniques and advice for creating efficient animation for web games, with a slant towards supporting lower end devices such as mobile phones. We touch on CSS transitions and CSS animations, and JavaScript loops involving window.requestAnimationFrame
.", "sections": [{"id": "Subnav", "title": "Subnav"}, {"id": "Help_the_browser_help_you", "title": "Help the browser help you"}, {"id": "Use_requestAnimationFrame", "title": "Use requestAnimationFrame"}, {"id": "Measure_performance", "title": "Measure performance"}, {"id": "A_take-away", "title": "A take-away"}], "slug": "Games/Techniques/Efficient_animation_for_web_games", "review_tags": ["technical"]}