{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:46:42.787107", "uuid": "b1b736d3-2c2f-48b9-933a-ca0b9854ba80", "title": "Implementing controls using the Gamepad API", "url": "/en-US/docs/Games/Techniques/Controls_Gamepad_API", "tags": ["controllers", "Gamepad API", "Gamepads", "JavaScript", "Controls", "Games"], "translations": [], "modified": "2015-09-14T03:26:50", "label": "Implementing controls using the Gamepad API", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 161111, "last_edit": "2015-09-14T03:26:48", "summary": "The Gamepad API is very easy to develop with. Now it's easier than ever to deliver console-like experience to the browser without the need of any plugins. You can play the full version of the Hungry Fridge game directly in your browser, install it from the Firefox Marketplace or check the source code of the demo along with all the other resources on the Gamepad API Content Kit.", "sections": [{"id": "Controls_for_web_games", "title": "Controls for web games"}, {"id": "API_status_and_browser_support", "title": "API status and browser support"}, {"id": "Which_gamepads_are_best", "title": "Which gamepads are best?"}, {"id": "Case_Study_Hungry_Fridge", "title": "Case Study: Hungry Fridge"}, {"id": "Demo", "title": "Demo"}, {"id": "Implementation", "title": "Implementation"}, {"id": "Gamepad_object", "title": "Gamepad object"}, {"id": "Querying_the_gamepad_object", "title": "Querying the gamepad object"}, {"id": "Detecting_button_presses", "title": "Detecting button presses"}, {"id": "Axis_threshold", "title": "Axis threshold"}, {"id": "Specification_update", "title": "Specification update"}, {"id": "Getting_the_gamepads", "title": "Getting the gamepads"}, {"id": "Mapping_standard", "title": "Mapping standard"}, {"id": "Events", "title": "Events"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}], "slug": "Games/Techniques/Controls_Gamepad_API", "review_tags": []}