{"json_modified": "2016-08-25T02:39:02.460529", "uuid": "bc83ec54-d1ea-4668-8cd8-383655d8d228", "title": "Game distribution", "url": "/en-US/docs/Games/Publishing_games/Game_distribution", "tags": ["Tools", "distribution", "Games", "HTML5", "JavaScript"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-08-25T02:39:02", "label": "Game distribution", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 165955, "last_edit": "2016-08-25T02:39:00", "summary": "Distribution is the way to give the world access to your game. There are many options available and there's no single good answer as to which is the best. When you've published the game it's time to focus on promotion \u2014 letting people know your game exists. Without promotion they wouldn't even be able to learn about it and play it.", "sections": [{"id": "Benefits_of_HTML5_over_native", "title": "Benefits of HTML5 over native"}, {"id": "Multiplatform_bliss", "title": "Multiplatform bliss"}, {"id": "Instant_updates", "title": "Instant updates"}, {"id": "Direct_link_distribution_and_instant_play", "title": "Direct link distribution and instant play"}, {"id": "Desktop_vs_mobile", "title": "Desktop vs mobile"}, {"id": "Publishing_the_game", "title": "Publishing the game"}, {"id": "Self_hosting", "title": "Self hosting"}, {"id": "Publishers_and_portals", "title": "Publishers and portals"}, {"id": "Web_and_native_stores", "title": "Web and native stores"}, {"id": "Marketplaces_\u2014_distribution_platforms", "title": "Marketplaces \u2014 distribution platforms"}, {"id": "Web_stores", "title": "Web stores"}, {"id": "Native_mobile_stores", "title": "Native mobile stores"}, {"id": "Native_desktop", "title": "Native desktop"}, {"id": "Packaging_games", "title": "Packaging games"}, {"id": "Available_tools", "title": "Available tools"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}], "slug": "Games/Publishing_games/Game_distribution", "review_tags": []}