{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:14:29.489112", "uuid": "f064cd33-b609-424c-9e72-055b3f205df9", "title": "Downloading Nightly or Trunk Builds", "url": "/en-US/docs/Downloading_Nightly_or_Trunk_Builds", "tags": ["NeedsUpdate", "QA"], "translations": [], "modified": "2015-12-19T01:02:17", "label": "Downloading Nightly or Trunk Builds", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 16587, "last_edit": "2015-02-18T11:03:17", "summary": "There are some terms that are used by the Mozilla community. One sees them on IRC or in bugs. It can be helpful to know exactly what these refer to. Note that this is an attempt at describing the current usage of these terms. This usage may change.", "sections": [], "slug": "Downloading_Nightly_or_Trunk_Builds", "review_tags": []}