{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:15:43.234008", "uuid": "19fcd5a0-f853-419d-9526-949e96d4289b", "title": "XQuery", "url": "/en-US/docs/Archive/XQuery", "tags": [], "translations": [{"uuid": "fa4e6ea4-9322-4e33-a430-dcd21a2fdfe7", "title": "XQuery", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/XQuery", "tags": [], "summary": "XQuery is a W3C standard language which is meant to be for XML what SQL is for relational data--i.e., the ability to search, sort, extract, and remold data. It offers powerful and yet intuitive searching based on XPath, has SQL-like syntax for the query portion, and has scripting features such as function and variable definitions, XML-inclusion, etc.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "zh-CN", "last_edit": "2008-07-15T05:47:15", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-02-29T00:59:40", "label": "XQuery", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 17695, "last_edit": "2008-12-27T07:02:29", "summary": "XQuery is a W3C standard language which is meant to be for XML what SQL is for relational data--i.e., the ability to search, sort, extract, and remold data. It offers powerful and yet intuitive searching based on XPath, has SQL-like syntax for the query portion, and has scripting features such as function and variable definitions, XML-inclusion, etc.", "sections": [{"id": "Notes_for_developers_wishing_to_access_XQuery_in_their_own_extensions", "title": "Notes for developers wishing to access XQuery in their own extensions"}, {"id": "Tutorials", "title": "Tutorials"}], "slug": "Archive/XQuery", "review_tags": []}