{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:21:19.762214", "uuid": "0c8c9d6e-3e5f-4eb2-b2dd-f9f51c76b0db", "title": "calICalendarView", "url": "/en-US/docs/Archive/Mozilla/callCalendarView", "tags": ["Interfaces:Scriptable", "XPCOM", "Interfaces", "XPCOM API Reference"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-29T02:09:17", "label": "calICalendarView", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 42472, "last_edit": "2006-09-18T19:26:06", "summary": "An object implementing calICalendarView is generally intended to serve as a way of manipulating a set of DOM nodes corresonding to a visual representation of calIEvent and calITodo objects. Because of this close association between methods and attributes on the one hand, and content on the other, calICalendarView implementations are particularly well suited to XBL. There is, however, no practical obstacle to the interface being implemented by any javascript object associated with a group of DOM nodes, even non-anonymous XUL nodes.", "sections": [{"id": "Summary", "title": " Summary "}, {"id": "Interface_Code", "title": " Interface Code "}, {"id": "Attributes", "title": " Attributes "}, {"id": "displayCalendar", "title": " displayCalendar "}, {"id": "controller", "title": " controller "}, {"id": "startDate", "title": " startDate "}, {"id": "endDate", "title": " endDate "}, {"id": "supportsDisjointDates", "title": " supportsDisjointDates "}, {"id": "hasDisjointDates", "title": " hasDisjointDates "}, {"id": "selectedItem", "title": " selectedItem "}, {"id": "selectedDay", "title": " selectedDay "}, {"id": "Methods", "title": " Methods "}, {"id": "showDate", "title": " showDate "}, {"id": "setDateRange", "title": " setDateRange "}, {"id": "setDateList", "title": " setDateList "}, {"id": "getDateList", "title": " getDateList "}, {"id": "History", "title": " History "}, {"id": "Related_Interfaces", "title": " Related Interfaces "}, {"id": "Example_Code", "title": " Example Code "}], "slug": "Archive/Mozilla/callCalendarView", "review_tags": []}