{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:19:55.316448", "uuid": "87945a4e-1c3b-4085-a073-5c5dca6d9839", "title": "Autodial for Windows NT", "url": "/en-US/docs/Archive/Mozilla/Autodial_for_Windows_NT", "tags": ["Necko", "Outdated_articles"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-28T07:16:10", "label": "Autodial for Windows NT", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 37090, "last_edit": "2007-10-21T16:10:38", "summary": "This document is intended to explain how the autodial helper feature implemented for bug\u00a093002 works and why it works that way.", "sections": [{"id": "Introduction", "title": " Introduction "}, {"id": "A_Brief_History_of_Autodial_on_Windows", "title": " A Brief History of Autodial on Windows "}, {"id": "Origin_of_the_Bug", "title": " Origin of the Bug "}, {"id": "How_the_Feature_Works", "title": " How the Feature Works "}, {"id": "How_to_Configure_Autodial_on_NT-based_Systems", "title": " How to Configure Autodial on NT-based Systems "}, {"id": "Issues", "title": " Issues "}, {"id": "A_Pref_to_Disable", "title": " A Pref to Disable "}, {"id": "Original_Document_Information", "title": " Original Document Information "}], "slug": "Archive/Mozilla/Autodial_for_Windows_NT", "review_tags": []}