{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:20:19.659041", "uuid": "36132b4b-c613-4890-91ed-55bd9f6ec0a4", "title": "ActiveX Control for Hosting Netscape Plug-ins in IE", "url": "/en-US/docs/Archive/Mozilla/ActiveX_Control_for_Hosting_Netscape_Plug-ins_in_IE", "tags": ["Add-ons", "Plugins", "NeedsClassification"], "translations": [], "modified": "2015-07-17T05:31:42", "label": "ActiveX Control for Hosting Netscape Plug-ins in IE", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 38979, "last_edit": "2007-05-27T13:23:32", "summary": "Microsoft has removed support for Netscape plug-ins from IE 5.5 SP 2 and beyond. If you are a plug-in author, you may find this project saves you a lot of work!", "sections": [{"id": "Introduction", "title": "Introduction"}, {"id": "Get_the_source", "title": "Get the source"}, {"id": "Build_it", "title": "Build it"}, {"id": "A_note_to_developers", "title": "A note to developers"}, {"id": "Package_it", "title": "Package it"}, {"id": "Manual_installation", "title": "Manual installation"}, {"id": "Usage", "title": "Usage"}, {"id": "Still_to_do", "title": "Still to do"}], "slug": "Archive/Mozilla/ActiveX_Control_for_Hosting_Netscape_Plug-ins_in_IE", "review_tags": []}