{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:26:51.777652", "uuid": "c44be668-3a28-4533-90b9-6e9c84d1fb73", "title": "Landing page", "url": "/en-US/docs/Archive/Meta_docs/Page_types/Landing_page", "tags": ["MDN"], "translations": [], "modified": "2015-09-11T15:04:45", "label": "Landing page", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 66183, "last_edit": "2015-09-11T15:04:40", "summary": "The first part of the page is a brief summary of what the landing page's content is about. Typically this is just a paragraph or two explaining the API or technology being covered. This text is used as the Google summary for SEO purposes (although you can use the CSS class \"seoSummary\" to specifically choose parts of it to be used if you want to really make sure the best possible text is used).", "sections": [{"id": "Standard_topic_landing_page", "title": "Standard topic landing page"}, {"id": "Descriptions_of_page_areas", "title": "Descriptions of page areas"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}, {"id": "Key_content_boxes", "title": "Key content boxes"}, {"id": "Concepts", "title": "Concepts"}, {"id": "What's_hot", "title": "What's hot"}, {"id": "Links", "title": "Links"}, {"id": "Community", "title": "Community"}, {"id": "Related_topics", "title": "Related topics"}, {"id": "Broad_topic_landing_page", "title": "Broad topic landing page"}, {"id": "Articles", "title": "Articles"}, {"id": "Other_boxes", "title": "Other boxes"}, {"id": "Notes_on_the_two_types_of_page", "title": "Notes on the two types of page"}, {"id": "Sidebar", "title": "Sidebar"}, {"id": "Recent_changes", "title": "Recent changes"}, {"id": "Editing", "title": "Editing"}, {"id": "Editing_notes", "title": "Editing notes"}, {"id": "Editing_features_needed", "title": "Editing features needed"}, {"id": "Toolbar_buttons", "title": "Toolbar buttons"}, {"id": "Other_features", "title": "Other features"}, {"id": "Editing_features_NOT_needed", "title": "Editing features NOT needed"}], "slug": "Archive/Meta_docs/Page_types/Landing_page", "review_tags": []}