{"json_modified": "2016-05-03T23:01:31.809921", "uuid": "1d61a4d0-13d8-4df6-87a6-0ebfa2467d91", "title": "Gaia Integration tests", "url": "/en-US/docs/Archive/Firefox_OS/Automated_testing/Gaia_integration_tests", "tags": ["tests", "Gaia", "Firefox OS", "Automation", "Integration"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-05-03T23:01:31", "label": "Gaia Integration tests", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 58353, "last_edit": "2016-05-03T23:01:09", "summary": "This document covers running and writing integration tests for Gaia apps \u2014 written in JavaScript and run via Marionette \u2014 and provides a detailed explanation of how the integration tests are run.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Running_tests", "title": "Running tests"}, {"id": "Setup", "title": "Setup"}, {"id": "Running_all_the_tests", "title": "Running all the tests"}, {"id": "Invoking_tests_for_a_specific_app", "title": "Invoking tests for a specific app"}, {"id": "Running_the_tests_in_the_background_quietly", "title": "Running the tests in the background, quietly"}, {"id": "Running_tests_without_building_a_profile", "title": "Running tests without building a profile"}, {"id": "Running_tests_with_a_custom_B2G_Desktop_build", "title": "Running tests with a custom B2G Desktop build"}, {"id": "Running_tests_on_device", "title": "Running tests on device"}, {"id": "Skipping_a_test_file", "title": "Skipping a test file"}, {"id": "Debugging_Tests", "title": "Debugging Tests"}, {"id": "Troubleshooting", "title": "Troubleshooting"}, {"id": "Running_on_Linux", "title": "Running on Linux"}, {"id": "If_Marionette-JS_Starts_To_Throw_Errors", "title": "If Marionette-JS Starts To Throw Errors"}, {"id": "Troubleshooting_Mac_OSX_El_Capitan", "title": "Troubleshooting\u00a0 Mac OSX El Capitan"}, {"id": "Use_cases_and_design_patterns", "title": "Use cases and design patterns"}, {"id": "What_are_common_things_for_ui_tests_to_do", "title": "What are common things for ui tests to do?"}, {"id": "Marionette_is_faster_than_my_application!", "title": "Marionette is faster than my application!"}, {"id": "How_can_tests_switch_back_to_the_system_app", "title": "How can tests switch back to the system app?"}, {"id": "Regarding_all_of_the_many_windows_and_contexts", "title": "Regarding all of the many windows and contexts"}, {"id": "How_should_I_structure_my_UI_test_libraries", "title": "How should I structure my UI test libraries?"}, {"id": "How_the_test_runner_works", "title": "How the test runner works"}, {"id": "What_triggers_the_tests", "title": "What triggers the tests?"}, {"id": "Okay_what_does_make_test-integration_actually_do", "title": "Okay, what does make test-integration actually do?"}, {"id": "What_is_in_my_global_scope_in_my_test_file", "title": "What is in my global scope in my test file?"}, {"id": "What_are_marionette_plugins", "title": "What are marionette plugins?"}, {"id": "What_is_mocha's_TDD_execution_model", "title": "What is mocha's TDD execution model?"}, {"id": "What_is_the_life-cycle_of_the_Gecko_processes", "title": "What is the life-cycle of the Gecko processes?"}, {"id": "Writing_integration_tests", "title": "Writing integration tests"}, {"id": "File_naming", "title": null}, {"id": "See_also", "title": "See also"}], "slug": "Archive/Firefox_OS/Automated_testing/Gaia_integration_tests", "review_tags": []}