{"json_modified": "2016-09-15T04:47:36.919389", "uuid": "c98275b7-7d22-4a53-9bfd-8216a137c3d5", "title": "Accessibility/AT-SPI Support", "url": "/en-US/docs/Accessibility_AT-SPI_Support", "tags": ["Accessibility", "XUL", "HTML"], "translations": [{"uuid": "7212e32b-172f-4b3d-8004-22e8bcc2b37a", "title": "Accessibility/AT-SPI Support", "url": "/de/docs/Accessibility_AT-SPI_Support", "tags": [], "summary": "This FAQ explains how makers of Linux- or UNIX- based screen readers, voice dictation packages, onscreen keyboards, magnification software and other assitive technologies can support Gecko-based software. The base of our support for these products is AT-SPI (Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface) and the keyboard API/user interface.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "de", "last_edit": "2016-09-15T04:47:26", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-08-12T07:09:34", "label": "Accessibility/AT-SPI Support", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 18355, "last_edit": "2016-08-12T07:09:26", "summary": "This FAQ explains how makers of Linux- or UNIX- based screen readers, voice dictation packages, onscreen keyboards, magnification software and other assitive technologies can support Gecko-based software. The base of our support for these products is AT-SPI (Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface) and the keyboard API/user interface.", "sections": [{"id": "Mozilla_AT-SPI_Support_for_Linux.2FUNIX_Assistive_Technology_Developers", "title": "Mozilla AT-SPI Support for Linux/UNIX Assistive Technology Developers"}, {"id": "To_Do", "title": "To Do"}, {"id": "Definitions", "title": "Definitions"}, {"id": "AT-SPI_tree_vs._DOM_tree_-_what.27s_the_relation.3F", "title": "AT-SPI tree vs. DOM tree - what's the relation?"}, {"id": "Linux.2FUNIX_Applications_Based_on_the_Gecko_Layout_Engine", "title": "Linux/UNIX Applications Based on the Gecko Layout Engine"}, {"id": "Embedded_Clients", "title": "Embedded Clients"}, {"id": "XUL-Based_Clients", "title": "XUL-Based Clients"}, {"id": "Determining_if_Accessibility_is_Enabled_in_a_Firefox_Installation", "title": "Determining if Accessibility is Enabled in a Firefox Installation"}, {"id": "How_to_Find_the_Content_Window_and_Load_the_Document", "title": "How to Find the Content Window and Load the Document"}, {"id": "Supported_AT-SPI_Interfaces", "title": "Supported AT-SPI Interfaces"}, {"id": "Supported_AT-SPI_Roles", "title": "Supported AT-SPI Roles"}, {"id": "Supported_AT-SPI_States", "title": "Supported AT-SPI States"}, {"id": "Supported_AT-SPI_Relations", "title": "Supported AT-SPI Relations"}, {"id": "Supported_AT-SPI_Object_Attributes", "title": "Supported AT-SPI Object Attributes"}, {"id": "Supported_AT-SPI_Text_Attributes", "title": "Supported AT-SPI Text Attributes"}, {"id": "Supported_AT-SPI_Document_Attributes", "title": "Supported AT-SPI Document Attributes"}, {"id": "Supported_AT-SPI_Events", "title": "Supported AT-SPI Events"}, {"id": "AT-SPI_Features_We_Currently_Do_Not_Support", "title": "AT-SPI Features We Currently Do Not Support"}, {"id": "Known_Differences_with_Other_Applications", "title": "Known Differences with Other Applications"}, {"id": "Avoiding_Memory_Leaks", "title": "Avoiding Memory Leaks"}, {"id": "Keyboard_User_Interface_and_API", "title": "Keyboard User Interface and API"}, {"id": "HTML_Examples", "title": "HTML Examples"}, {"id": "This_is_a_heading", "title": "This is a heading"}, {"id": "This_is_another_heading", "title": "This is another heading"}, {"id": "Beyond_HTML:_Other_Types_of_Web_Content", "title": "Beyond HTML: Other Types of Web Content"}, {"id": "Questions_or_Comments.3F", "title": "Questions or Comments?"}], "slug": "Accessibility_AT-SPI_Support", "review_tags": []}