{"json_modified": "2016-04-13T02:51:35.839027", "uuid": "dd1bf15d-5fbf-43c5-b139-c573921ef77e", "title": "", "url": "/de/docs/Web/MathML/Element/ms", "tags": ["Referenz", "MathML:Element", "MathML"], "translations": [{"uuid": "49a9a02e-ac03-45c6-9b2b-697315beb1ff", "title": "", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/MathML/Element/ms", "tags": ["MathML:Element", "MathML:Token Elements", "MathML", "MathML Reference"], "summary": "The MathML <ms> element represents a string literal meant to be interpreted by programming languages and computer algebra systems. By default, string literals are displayed as enclosed by double quotes (&quot;); by using the lquote and rquote attributes, you can set custom characters to display. Note that quotation marks should not be specified unless they are part of the string literal. The content of an <ms> element is not an ASCII string per se, but rather a sequence of characters and <mglyph> and <malignmark> elements.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "last_edit": "2015-07-15T02:25:10", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-04-13T02:51:35", "label": "", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "de", "id": 181052, "last_edit": "2016-04-13T02:51:32", "summary": "Das Element <ms> erzeugt in MathML die Darstellung eines\u00a0string literal, also einer (buchstabengetreuen) Zeichenkette, wie sie z.B. in Programmiersprachen Anwendung findet.
\n Standardm\u00e4\u00dfig werden solche Zeichenketten in doppelten Anf\u00fchrungszeichen (&quot;) eingeschlossen.
\n Mit den Attributen lquote und rquote k\u00f6nnen eigene Zeichen f\u00fcr die \u00f6ffnenden und schlie\u00dfenden Zeichen festgelegt werden.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Attribute", "title": "Attribute"}, {"id": "Beispiel", "title": "Beispiel"}, {"id": "Spezifikationen", "title": "Spezifikationen"}, {"id": "Browserkompatibilit\u00e4t", "title": "Browserkompatibilit\u00e4t"}, {"id": "Hinweise_zu_Gecko", "title": "Hinweise zu Gecko"}], "slug": "Web/MathML/Element/ms", "review_tags": []}