{"json_modified": "2015-10-21T01:59:43.461304", "slug": "Web/CSS/flex-wrap", "tags": ["CSS", "Referenz", "CSS Eigenschaft", "Layout", "CSS Flexible Boxes"], "locale": "de", "title": "flex-wrap", "translations": [{"title": "flex-wrap", "url": "/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/flex-wrap", "tags": ["CSS", "Reference", "NeedsLiveSample", "CSS Property", "CSS Flexible Boxes"], "summary": "The CSS flex-wrap property specifies whether flex items are forced into a single line or can be wrapped onto multiple lines. If wrapping is allowed, this property also enables you to control the direction in which lines are stacked.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "last_edit": "2015-09-22T04:39:42", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "flex-wrap", "url": "/ja/docs/Web/CSS/flex-wrap", "tags": ["CSS", "CSS Reference"], "summary": "CSS flex-wrap \u30d7\u30ed\u30d1\u30c6\u30a3\u306f\u3001\u5b50\u30a2\u30a4\u30c6\u30e0\u3092\u5358\u4e00\u30e9\u30a4\u30f3\u306b\u62bc\u3057\u8fbc\u3080\u304b\u3001\u3042\u308b\u3044\u306f\u8907\u6570\u30e9\u30a4\u30f3\u306b\u6d41\u3057\u8fbc\u3081\u308b\u3088\u3046\u306b\u3057\u3066\u3082\u3088\u3044\u304b\u3092\u6307\u5b9a\u3057\u307e\u3059\u3002", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "ja", "last_edit": "2015-10-10T02:05:48", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "flex-wrap", "url": "/es/docs/Web/CSS/flex-wrap", "tags": [], "summary": "La propiedad flex-wrap de CSS\u00a0 especifica si los elementos \"hijos\" son obligados a permanecer en una misma l\u00ednea o pueden fluir en varias l\u00edneas.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "es", "last_edit": "2015-09-21T23:54:45", "review_tags": []}, {"title": "flex-wrap", "url": "/zh-CN/docs/Web/CSS/flex-wrap", "tags": [], "summary": "The CSS flex-wrap property specifies whether flex items are forced into a single line or can be wrapped onto multiple lines. If wrapping is allowed, this property also enables you to control the direction in which lines are stacked.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "zh-CN", "last_edit": "2015-10-08T09:11:17", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2015-10-21T01:59:42", "label": "flex-wrap", "localization_tags": [], "url": "/de/docs/Web/CSS/flex-wrap", "last_edit": "2015-09-21T07:39:22", "summary": "Die flex-wrap CSS Eigenschaft legt fest, ob die Elemente in einem Flexbox-Container auf einer Linie liegen, oder bei bedarf auf mehrere Zeilen verteilt werden k\u00f6nnen.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "\u00dcbersicht", "title": "\u00dcbersicht"}, {"id": "Syntax", "title": "Syntax"}, {"id": "Werte", "title": "Werte"}, {"id": "Beispiele", "title": "Beispiele"}, {"id": "Spezifikationen", "title": "Spezifikationen"}, {"id": "Browser_Kompatibilit\u00e4t", "title": "Browser Kompatibilit\u00e4t"}, {"id": "Siehe_auch", "title": "Siehe auch"}], "id": 86111, "review_tags": []}