Naši dobrovolníci ještě tento článek do jazyka Čeština nepřeložili. Přidejte se a pomozte nám tuto práci dokončit!
adds a new attribute or changes the value of an attribute with the given namespace and name.
element.setAttributeNS( namespace, name, value)
is a string specifying the namespace of the
is a string identifying the attribute to be set.value
is the desired string value of the new attribute.
var d = document.getElementById("d1");
d.setAttributeNS("", "align", "center");
DOM methods dealing with element's attributes:
Not namespace-aware, most commonly used methods | Namespace-aware variants (DOM Level 2) | DOM Level 1 methods for dealing with Attr nodes directly (seldom used) |
DOM Level 2 namespace-aware methods for dealing with Attr nodes directly (seldom used) |
setAttribute (DOM 1) |
setAttributeNS |
setAttributeNode |
setAttributeNodeNS |
getAttribute (DOM 1) |
getAttributeNS |
getAttributeNode |
getAttributeNodeNS |
hasAttribute (DOM 2) |
hasAttributeNS |
- | - |
removeAttribute (DOM 1) |
removeAttributeNS |
removeAttributeNode |
- |