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Documentation processes

Naši dobrovolníci ještě tento článek do jazyka Čeština nepřeložili. Přidejte se a pomozte nám tuto práci dokončit!

The MDN documentation project is enormous; there are a vast number of technologies we cover through the assistance of hundreds of contributors from across the world. To help us bring order to chaos, we have standard processes to follow when working on specific documentation-related tasks. Here you'll find guides to those processes.

Cross-team collaboration tactics for documentation
One thing that we've learned at MDN is that when the development team and the documentation team for a given project, API, or technology work closely—and well—together, the documentation quality is incredible. This guide offers some suggested tactics for how the developers and writers can work hand-in-hand.
Documentation bugs
One of the main ways that that the MDN writing team gets requests for new documentation or documentation changes is through Bugzilla. This article describes how to use bugs to note when documentation updates are needed.
Documentation plans
The MDN community sometimes is tasked with large documentation projects—that is, large amounts of documentation to be written or edited about a specific topic, or a large maintenance project to existing content.
MDN's agile process
The MDN staff team applies an agile process to prioritize and manage projects and tasks, for development of both MDN's content and its platform software (Kuma). The formalized framework that the MDN team's process most closely resembles is Scrum, with modifications to support both content and software development, within the context of Mozilla's Marketing department and its priorities.
Requesting elevated privileges
Some tools or operations on MDN require elevated access privileges not available to ordinary users.

Štítky a přispěvatelé do dokumentace

 Přispěvatelé této stránky: bunnybooboo, jswisher, Sheppy
 Poslední aktualizace od: bunnybooboo,