{"json_modified": "2016-07-26T13:46:38.810166", "uuid": "a4bccb58-15b8-4b09-9f60-0688c7fc1abf", "title": "Mozilla MathML Status", "url": "/ru/docs/Mozilla/MathML_Project/Status", "tags": [], "translations": [{"uuid": "3cc6a9ee-1998-411a-bcbe-a543a24614c4", "title": "Mozilla MathML Status", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/MathML_Project/Status", "tags": ["MathML", "MathML Project"], "summary": "An overview of the MathML 3 elements/attributes - excluding deprecated ones - and the current status of the native support. References to MathML 3 are given. The sections are marked with their current status: supported, in progress, and not currently supported. Sections related to semantics/content MathML or irrelevant features are left blank or not listed at all. If only the main features of an element are implemented then its section is marked as supported but details of unsupported attributes are specified below.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "last_edit": "2014-08-30T03:22:17", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "08b30e7a-20d8-47dc-be67-abbfcf991633", "title": "Estado de Mozilla MathML", "url": "/es/docs/Mozilla/MathML_Project/Status", "tags": [], "summary": "Resumen de los elementos y/o atributos de MathML 3 (excluyendo elementos sin uso) y estado actual del soporte nativo. Se muestran referencias a\u00a0MathML 3. Las secciones est\u00e1n marcadas con su correspondiente estado: soportado, en progreso, y no soportado actualmente. Las secciones relacionadas a sem\u00e1ntica/contenido, MathML o funciones irrelevantes se dejan en blanco o no se muestran en la lista. Si solo la funci\u00f3n principal de un elemento esta implementado, esa secci\u00f3n sera marcada como soportado pero los detalles de los atributos no soportados se especifican despu\u00e9s.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "es", "last_edit": "2013-09-04T08:06:57", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-07-26T13:46:38", "label": "Mozilla MathML Status", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "ru", "id": 189217, "last_edit": "2016-07-26T13:46:31", "summary": "An overview of the MathML 3 elements/attributes - excluding deprecated ones - and the current status of the native support. References to MathML 3 are given. The sections are marked with their current status: supported, in progress, and not currently supported. Sections related to semantics/content MathML or irrelevant features are left blank or not listed at all. If only the main features of an element are implemented then its section is marked as supported but details of unsupported attributes are specified below.", "sections": [{"id": "The_Top-Level_math_Element", "title": "The Top-Level math Element"}, {"id": "Attributes_Shared_by_all_MathML_Elements", "title": "Attributes Shared by all MathML Elements"}, {"id": "Token_Elements", "title": "Token Elements"}, {"id": "General_Layout_Schemata", "title": "General Layout Schemata"}, {"id": "Script_and_Limit_Schemata", "title": "Script and Limit Schemata"}, {"id": "Tabular_Math", "title": "Tabular Math"}, {"id": "Elementary_Math", "title": "Elementary Math"}, {"id": "Other_elements", "title": "Other elements"}, {"id": "Original_Document_Information", "title": "Original Document Information"}], "slug": "Mozilla/MathML_Project/Status", "review_tags": ["technical", "editorial"]}