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ECMAScript Next support in Mozilla

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ECMAScript Next refers to new features of the ECMA-262 standard (commonly referred to as JavaScript) introduced after ECMAScript 6 (ES2015). New versions of ECMAScript specifications are released yearly. This year, the ES2016 specification will be released and the ES2017 is the current ECMAScript draft specification.

You can see the latest proposals on the tc39/ecma262 GitHub repository.

A channel for feedback on ECMAScript standards is es-discuss.

ECMAScript 2016

These ES2016 / ES7 features are implemented:

ECMAScript 2017

These ES2017 / ES8 features are implemented:

Experimental new features

The following features are already implemented, but only available in the Firefox Nightly channel and not yet included in a draft edition of an ECMAScript specification.

Additions to the ArrayBuffer object

New TypedObject objects

New SIMD objects

New Shared Memory objects

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sebastianz, fscholz, SphinxKnight, arai, Emobe, Sheppy, kohei.yoshino
 Last updated by: Sebastianz,