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The MathML <msub> element is used to attach a subscript to an expression.
It uses the following syntax: <msub> base subscript </msub>.


class, id, style
Provided for use with stylesheets.
Used to set a hyperlink to a specified URI.
The background color. You can use #rgb, #rrggbb and HTML color names.
The text color. You can use #rgb, #rrggbb and HTML color names.
The minimum space by which to shift the subscript below the baseline of the expression, as a length value.


Sample rendering: x1

Rendering in your browser: X 1





Specification Status Comment
MathML 3.0
The definition of 'msub' in that specification.
Recommendation Current specification
MathML 2.0
The definition of 'msub' in that specification.
Recommendation Initial specification

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support Not supported 1.0 (1.7 or earlier) Not supported Not supported 5.1
href Not supported 7.0 (7.0) Not supported Not supported Not supported
mathbackground Not supported 4.0 (2.0) Not supported Not supported 5.1
mathcolor Not supported 4.0 (2.0) Not supported Not supported 5.1
subscriptshift Not supported 1.0 (1.7 or earlier) Not supported Not supported Not supported
Feature Android Chrome for Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support Not supported Not supported 1.0 (1.0) Not supported Not supported Not supported
href Not supported Not supported 7.0 (7.0) Not supported Not supported Not supported
mathbackground Not supported Not supported 4.0 (2.0) Not supported Not supported Not supported
mathcolor Not supported Not supported 4.0 (2.0) Not supported Not supported Not supported
subscriptshift Not supported Not supported 1.0 (1.0) Not supported Not supported Not supported

Gecko-specific notes

  • Starting with Gecko 26.0 (Firefox 26 / Thunderbird 26 / SeaMonkey 2.23 / Firefox OS 1.2) it is no longer possible to use <none /> as a child element. The rendering has been made more consistent with equivalent configurations of <msup> and <mmultiscripts> and a bug with an incorrect application of the superscriptshift attribute has been fixed (see bug 827713 for details).

See also

Étiquettes et contributeurs liés au document

 Contributeurs à cette page : fscholz,, Sheppy, jswisher
 Dernière mise à jour par : fscholz,