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Revision 468669 of Other JavaScript tools

  • Revision slug: Web/JavaScript/Other_JavaScript_tools
  • Revision title: Other JavaScript tools
  • Revision id: 468669
  • Created:
  • Creator: velvel53
  • Is current revision? No
  • Comment

Revision Content

This article provides a list of additional JavaScript development tools, aside from the handful we feature on the JavaScript page.

  • Pineapple · Tools - A database of current JavaScript tools, including build tools, helpful libraries, IDE's, minification tools, etc
  • Koding - Web-based JavaScript IDE
  • Spket IDE - IDE for JavaScript
  • WebStorm - IDE with well understood support for JavaScript and JsDoc
  • JSA - a very powerful obfuscator written in java based on rhino
  • UglifyJS - a JavaScript parser/compressor/beautifier
  • PimpMyJS - a HTTP interface and WebService to UglifyJS
  • JSRedirect - an advanced, fully compatible JavaScript redirection tool.
{{languages({ "ja": "ja/docs/Other_JavaScript_tools", "zh-CN": "zh-CN/Other_JavaScript_tools" })}}

Revision Source

<p>This article provides a list of additional JavaScript development tools, aside from the handful we feature on the <a href="/en/JavaScript" title="en/JavaScript">JavaScript</a> page.</p>
  <li><a class="external" href=";sort=all_time" title=";sort=all_time">Pineapple · Tools</a> - A database of current JavaScript tools, including build tools, helpful libraries, IDE's, minification tools, etc</li>
  <li><a class="external" href="" title="">Koding</a> - Web-based JavaScript IDE</li>
  <li><a class="external" href="">Spket IDE</a> - IDE for JavaScript</li>
  <li><a class="external" href="" title="">WebStorm</a> - IDE with well understood support for JavaScript and JsDoc</li>
  <li><a class="external" href="">JSA</a> - a very powerful obfuscator written in java based on rhino</li>
  <li><a class="link-https" href="" title="">UglifyJS</a> - a JavaScript parser/compressor/beautifier</li>
  <li><a class="external" href="" title="">PimpMyJS</a> - a HTTP interface and WebService to UglifyJS</li>
  <li><a class="external" href="" title="JavaScript redirect script">JSRedirect</a> - an advanced, fully compatible JavaScript redirection tool.</li>
  {{languages({ "ja": "ja/docs/Other_JavaScript_tools", "zh-CN": "zh-CN/Other_JavaScript_tools" })}}</div>
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