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Revision 947789 of HTML developer guide

  • Revision slug: Web/Guide/HTML
  • Revision title: HTML developer guide
  • Revision id: 947789
  • Created:
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  • Is current revision? No
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Revision Content

Rosemary Memorial Clinic is a community clinic that works tirelessly with all categories of people to reduce the high rate of infectious diseases amongst the community.


Most of the activities that RMMC do are care and support to People living with HIV/AIDS, Pregnant Mothers, Orphans and vulnerable children.Sensitization on HIV/AIDS preventive methods and control for those who are infected already.


•A Uganda in which children, Orphans, HIV/Aids Positive living, pregnant mothers,  widows and other marginalized group benefit the same rights with due respect to their nature and value as they grow and live within the society.
•The service is to be offered to all people in need without discrimination of faith, race or culture.
•A respectful attitude for human dignity as a guideline for all and the care done with gentle and humble heart to the people we serve.
•The Executive Director.
•Project Manager.
Representative volunteer.

Revision Source

<p><span class="seoSummary"><strong>Rosemary Memorial Clinic is a community clinic that works tirelessly with all categories of people to reduce the high rate of infectious diseases amongst the community.</strong></span></p>

<p><strong>ACTIVITIES: </strong></p>

<p>Most of the activities that RMMC do are care and support to People living with HIV/AIDS, Pregnant Mothers, Orphans and vulnerable children.Sensitization on HIV/AIDS preventive methods and control for those who are infected already.</p>


<div style="margin-left:.38in;">•A Uganda in which children, Orphans, HIV/Aids Positive living, pregnant mothers,&nbsp; widows and other marginalized group benefit the same rights with due respect to their nature and value as they grow and live within the society.</div>

<div style="margin-left:.38in;">•The service is to be offered to all people in need without discrimination of faith, race or culture.</div>

<div style="margin-left:.38in;">•A respectful attitude for human dignity as a guideline for all and the care done with gentle and humble heart to the people we serve.</div>

<div style="margin-left:.38in;">&nbsp;</div>

<div style="margin-left:.38in;"><strong>MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:</strong></div>

<div style="margin-left:.38in;">
<div style="margin-left:.38in;">•The Executive Director.</div>

<div style="margin-left:.38in;">•Project Manager.</div>

<div style="margin-left:.38in;">•Accountant.</div>
Representative volunteer.</div>
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