Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from 03 Nov 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Revision 809677 of XUL controls

  • Revision slug: Mozilla/Tech/XUL/XUL_controls
  • Revision title: XUL controls
  • Revision id: 809677
  • Created:
  • Creator: petisocarambanal
  • Is current revision? No
  • Comment No changes made. I just noticed that the link "Filefield Reference" points to "Image reference" (url /en/XUL/image). I've tried to guess the correct url, but I haven't been able

Revision Content

The following table lists the user interface controls provided by XUL. See the XUL Tutorial for a step by step guide to how they are used and the XUL Reference for the reference information.


A button that can be pressed by the user.

<button label="Save" accesskey="S"/>
<button type="menu">

A button that has a drop down menu attached to it. Pressing the button opens the menu.

<button type="menu" label="View">
    <menuitem label="List"/>
    <menuitem label="Details"/>
<button type="menu-button">

A button that that has a separate arrow button with a menu attached to it. Unlike with the 'menu' type, a separate action may be performed when the main part of the button is pressed.

<button type="menu-button" label="New">
    <menuitem label="New Document"/>
    <menuitem label="New Image"/>

A control that may be turned on and off, typically used to create options which may be enabled or disabled.

<checkbox label="Show Toolbar Labels" checked="true"/>

A control that may be used to select a color.

<colorpicker color="#FF0000"/>
<colorpicker type="button">

A specialized type of color picker which shows only a button but when pressed, a popup will be displayed to select a color from.

<colorpicker type="button" color="#CC0080"/>

{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}

A set of textboxes which may be used to allow the entry of a date.

<datepicker value="2007/03/26"/>
<datepicker type="grid">

{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}

A datepicker which displays a calendar grid for selecting a date.

<datepicker type="grid" value="2007/02/20"/>
<datepicker type="popup" >

{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}

A datepicker which displays a set of textboxes for date entry, but also has a button for displaying a popup calendar grid.

<datepicker type="popup" value="2008/08/24"/>

The description element is used for descriptive text.

  Select a time for the event to start

A groupbox displays a labelled box around other user interface controls.

  <caption label="Network"/>

{{ Gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }}

Allows the user to select a file.


An image specified by a URL.

<image src="start.png"/>

A label is used to create text which labels a nearby control.

<label control="volume" value="Volume:"/>

The listbox is used to select an item from a list of labelled items.

  <listitem label="Chocolate"/>
  <listitem label="Jelly Beans"/>

A menulist (or combobox) is used to create a control with a drop down to select a value.

    <menuitem label="Lions" value="l"/>
    <menuitem label="Tigers" value="t"/>
    <menuitem label="Bears" value="b"/>
<menulist editable="true">

An editable menulist is like a standard menulist except that the selected value is displayed in a textbox where it may be modified directly or values not in the popup list may be entered.

<menulist editable="true">
    <menuitem label="Elephants"/>
    <menuitem label="Kangaroos"/>
    <menuitem label="Bats"  />

A progress meter is used to display the progress of a lengthy task.

<progressmeter value="40"/>

A radio button is used when only one of a set of options may be selected at a time.

  <radio label="Light" value="light"/>
  <radio label="Heavy" value="heavy"/>
<radio label="Heay" value="hea"/>

{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.8) }}

The richlistbox displays a list of items where one or more may selected. Unlike the listbox which is designed to display fixed size rows, the richlistbox may display any type of content.

    <image src="happy.png"/>
    <image src="sad.png"/>
    <image src="angry.png"/>

{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}

A scale displays a bar with a thumb that may be slid across the bar to select between a range of values.

<scale min="1" max="10"/>

Allows the user to adjust the division of space between elements.

<splitter collapse="before">

Description goes here.

<tab label="firefox"/>
  • Tab Reference
  • Related Elements: {{ XULElem("tabs") }} {{ XULElem("tabbox") }} {{ XULElem("tabpanels") }}

A textbox which allows a single line of text to be entered.

<textbox value="firefox"/>
<textbox multiline="true">

A textbox which allows multiple lines of text to be entered.

<textbox multiline="true"/>
<textbox type="autocomplete">

A textbox which provides a dropdown showing matches that would complete what the user types. The user can select one to have it filled into the textbox.

<textbox type="autocomplete" autocompletesearch="history"/>
<textbox type="number">

{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}

A textbox for entering numbers. Two arrow buttons are displayed for cycling through values.

<textbox type="number" min="1" max="20"/>
<textbox type="password">

A textbox that hides the characters typed, used for entering passwords.

<textbox type="password"/>
<textbox type="search">

{{ Gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }}

A textbox for searching.

<textbox type="search"/>
<textbox type="timed">

Deprecated in Gecko 1.9.1

A textbox for responding to user input. The command event is fired after the user stops typing, or if the user tabs away or hits Enter.

<textbox type="timed"/>

{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}

A timepicker displays a set of textboxes for entering a time.

<timepicker value="12:05"/>

A button that is displayed on a toolbar.

<toolbarbutton label="Reload"/>
<toolbarbutton type="menu">

A button that is displayed on a toolbar with a drop down menu attached to it.

<toolbarbutton type="menu" label="Show">
    <menuitem label="Toolbars"/>
    <menuitem label="Status Bar"/>
<toolbarbutton type="menu-button">

A button on a toolbar that that has a separate arrow button with a menu attached to it. Unlike with the 'menu' type, a separate action may be performed when the main part of the button is pressed.

<toolbarbutton type="menu-button" label="Open">
    <menuitem label="Open Changed Files"/>
    <menuitem label="Open All"/>

A tree displays a hierarchy of items in multiple columns.

    <treecol label="Name" flex="1"/>
    <treecol label="Size" flex="1"/>
        <treecell label="Popcorn"/>
        <treecell label="Large"/>
        <treecell label="Root Beer"/>
        <treecell label="Small"/>

{{ languages( { "fr": "fr/Les_contr\u00f4les_XUL", "ja": "ja/XUL_controls", "pl": "pl/Kontrolki_XUL" } ) }}

Revision Source

<p>The following table lists the user interface controls provided by <a href="/en/XUL" title="en/XUL">XUL</a>. See the <a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial" title="en/XUL_Tutorial">XUL Tutorial</a> for a step by step guide to how they are used and the <a href="/en/XUL_Reference" title="en/XUL_Reference">XUL Reference</a> for the reference information.</p>

<table class="standard-table">

    <p>A button that can be pressed by the user.</p>

&lt;button label="Save" accesskey="S"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Adding_Buttons" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Adding_Buttons">More information about the button element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/button" title="en/XUL/button">Button Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlsguide-button.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/150/=Controlsguide-button.gif" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;button type="menu"&gt;</strong>
    <p>A button that has a drop down menu attached to it. Pressing the button opens the menu.</p>

&lt;button type="menu" label="View"&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="List"/&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="Details"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/More_Button_Features#Button_with_menupopup" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/More_Button_Features#Button_with_menupopup">More information about this type of menu button element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/button" title="en/XUL/button">Button Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("menupopup") }} {{ XULElem("menuitem") }}</li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlsguide-button-menu.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/147/=Controlsguide-button-menu.gif" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;button type="menu-button"&gt;</strong>
    <p>A button that that has a separate arrow button with a menu attached to it. Unlike with the '<code>menu</code>' type, a separate action may be performed when the main part of the button is pressed.</p>

&lt;button type="menu-button" label="New"&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="New Document"/&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="New Image"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/More_Button_Features#Button_with_menupopup" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/More_Button_Features#Button_with_menupopup">More information about this type of menu button element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/button" title="en/XUL/button">Button Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("menupopup") }} {{ XULElem("menuitem") }}</li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlsguide-button-menu-button.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/146/=Controlsguide-button-menu-button.gif" /></td>
    <p>A control that may be turned on and off, typically used to create options which may be enabled or disabled.</p>

&lt;checkbox label="Show Toolbar Labels" checked="true"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Input_Controls#Checkboxes_and_Radio_Elements" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Input_Controls#Checkboxes_and_Radio_Elements">More information about the checkbox element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/checkbox" title="en/XUL/checkbox">Checkbox Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlsguide-checkbox.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/152/=Controlsguide-checkbox.gif" /></td>
    <p>A control that may be used to select a color.</p>

&lt;colorpicker color="#FF0000"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/colorpicker" title="en/XUL/colorpicker">Colorpicker Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlsguide-colorpicker.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/155/=Controlsguide-colorpicker.png" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;colorpicker type="button"&gt;</strong>
    <p>A specialized type of color picker which shows only a button but when pressed, a popup will be displayed to select a color from.</p>

&lt;colorpicker type="button" color="#CC0080"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/colorpicker" title="en/XUL/colorpicker">Colorpicker Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlsguide-colorpicker-button.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/154/=Controlsguide-colorpicker-button.png" /></td>
    <p>{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}</p>

    <p>A set of textboxes which may be used to allow the entry of a date.</p>

&lt;datepicker value="2007/03/26"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/datepicker" title="en/XUL/datepicker">Datepicker Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlsguide-datepicker.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/157/=Controlsguide-datepicker.gif" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;datepicker type="grid"&gt;</strong>
    <p>{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}</p>

    <p>A datepicker which displays a calendar grid for selecting a date.</p>

&lt;datepicker type="grid" value="2007/02/20"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/datepicker" title="en/XUL/datepicker">Datepicker Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlsguide-datepicker-grid.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/156/=Controlsguide-datepicker-grid.png" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;datepicker type="popup" &gt;</strong>
    <p>{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}</p>

    <p>A datepicker which displays a set of textboxes for date entry, but also has a button for displaying a popup calendar grid.</p>

&lt;datepicker type="popup" value="2008/08/24"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/datepicker" title="en/XUL/datepicker">Datepicker Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlsguide-datepicker-popup.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/5093/=Controlsguide-datepicker-popup.png?" /></td>
    <p>The description element is used for descriptive text.</p>

  Select a time for the event to start

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Adding_Labels_and_Images#Description_Element" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Adding_Labels_and_Images#Description_Element">More information about the description element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/description" title="en/XUL/description">Description Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-description.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/118/=Controlguide-description.gif" /></td>
    <p>A groupbox displays a labelled box around other user interface controls.</p>

  &lt;caption label="Network"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Groupboxes" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Groupboxes">More information about the groupbox element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/groupbox" title="en/XUL/groupbox">Groupbox Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("caption") }}</li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-groupbox.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/120/=Controlguide-groupbox.png" /></td>
    <p>{{ Gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }}</p>

    <p>Allows the user to select a file.</p>


     <li><a href="/en/XUL/image" title="en/XUL/image">Filefield Reference</a></li>
    <p>An image specified by a URL.</p>

&lt;image src="start.png"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Adding_Labels_and_Images#Images" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Adding_Labels_and_Images#Images">More information about the image element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/image" title="en/XUL/image">Image Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-image.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/121/=Controlguide-image.png" /></td>
    <p>A label is used to create text which labels a nearby control.</p>

&lt;label control="volume" value="Volume:"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Adding_Labels_and_Images#Label_Element" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Adding_Labels_and_Images#Label_Element">More information about the label element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/label" title="en/XUL/label">Label Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-label.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/122/=Controlguide-label.gif" /></td>
    <p>The listbox is used to select an item from a list of labelled items.</p>

  &lt;listitem label="Chocolate"/&gt;
  &lt;listitem label="Jelly Beans"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/List_Controls#List_Boxes" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/List_Controls#List_Boxes">More information about the listbox element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/listbox" title="en/XUL/listbox">Listbox Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("listcell") }} {{ XULElem("listcols") }} {{ XULElem("listcol") }} {{ XULElem("listhead") }} {{ XULElem("listheader") }} {{ XULElem("listitem") }}</li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-listbox.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/124/=Controlguide-listbox.gif" /></td>
    <p>A menulist (or combobox) is used to create a control with a drop down to select a value.</p>

    &lt;menuitem label="Lions" value="l"/&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="Tigers" value="t"/&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="Bears" value="b"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/List_Controls#Drop-down_Lists" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/List_Controls#Drop-down_Lists">More information about the menulist element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/menulist" title="en/XUL/menulist">Menulist Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("menupopup") }} {{ XULElem("menuitem") }}</li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-menulist.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/127/=Controlguide-menulist.gif" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;menulist editable="true"&gt;</strong>
    <p>An editable menulist is like a standard menulist except that the selected value is displayed in a textbox where it may be modified directly or values not in the popup list may be entered.</p>

&lt;menulist editable="true"&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="Elephants"/&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="Kangaroos"/&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="Bats"&nbsp;&nbsp;/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/List_Controls#Editable_menulist" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/List_Controls#Editable_menulist">More information about the editable menulist element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/menulist" title="en/XUL/menulist">Menulist Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("menupopup") }} {{ XULElem("menuitem") }}</li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-menulist-editable.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/126/=Controlguide-menulist-editable.png" /></td>
    <p>A progress meter is used to display the progress of a lengthy task.</p>

&lt;progressmeter value="40"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Progress_Meters" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Progress_Meters">More information about the progressmeter element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/progressmeter" title="en/XUL/progressmeter">Progressmeter Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-progressmeter.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/129/=Controlguide-progressmeter.png" /></td>
    <p>A radio button is used when only one of a set of options may be selected at a time.</p>

  &lt;radio label="Light" value="light"/&gt;
  &lt;radio label="Heavy" value="heavy"/&gt;
&lt;radio label="Heay" value="hea"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Input_Controls#Checkboxes_and_Radio_Buttons" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Input_Controls#Checkboxes_and_Radio_Buttons">More information about the radio element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/radio" title="en/XUL/radio">Radio Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("radiogroup") }}</li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-radio.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/130/=Controlguide-radio.png" /></td>
    <p>{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.8) }}</p>

    <p>The richlistbox displays a list of items where one or more may selected. Unlike the listbox which is designed to display fixed size rows, the richlistbox may display any type of content.</p>

    &lt;image src="happy.png"/&gt;
    &lt;image src="sad.png"/&gt;
    &lt;image src="angry.png"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/richlistbox" title="en/XUL/richlistbox">Richlistbox Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("richlistitem") }}</li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-richlistbox.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/131/=Controlguide-richlistbox.gif" /></td>
    <p>{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}</p>

    <p>A scale displays a bar with a thumb that may be slid across the bar to select between a range of values.</p>

&lt;scale min="1" max="10"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/scale" title="en/XUL/scale">Scale Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-scale.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/134/=Controlguide-scale.png" /></td>
    <p>Allows the user to adjust the division of space between elements.</p>

&lt;splitter collapse="before"&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/splitter" title="Aktualisierungen">Splitter Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("grippy") }}</li>
    <p>Description goes here.</p>

&lt;tab label="firefox"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/tab" title="en/XUL/tab">Tab Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("tabs") }} {{ XULElem("tabbox") }} {{ XULElem("tabpanels") }}</li>
    <p>A textbox which allows a single line of text to be entered.</p>

&lt;textbox value="firefox"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Input_Controls#Text_Entry_Fields" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Input_Controls#Text_Entry_Fields">More information about the textbox element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/textbox" title="en/XUL/textbox">Textbox Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-textbox.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/140/=Controlguide-textbox.png" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;textbox multiline="true"&gt;</strong>
    <p>A textbox which allows multiple lines of text to be entered.</p>

&lt;textbox multiline="true"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Input_Controls#Multiline_textbox" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Input_Controls#Multiline_textbox">More information about the multiple line textbox element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/textbox" title="en/XUL/textbox">Textbox Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-textbox-multiline.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/135/=Controlguide-textbox-multiline.gif" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;textbox type="autocomplete"&gt;</strong>
    <p>A textbox which provides a dropdown showing matches that would complete what the user types. The user can select one to have it filled into the textbox.</p>

&lt;textbox type="autocomplete" autocompletesearch="history"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/textbox" title="en/XUL/textbox">Textbox Reference</a></li>
   <td><strong>&lt;textbox type="number"&gt;</strong>
    <p>{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}</p>

    <p>A textbox for entering numbers. Two arrow buttons are displayed for cycling through values.</p>

&lt;textbox type="number" min="1" max="20"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/textbox" title="en/XUL/textbox">Textbox Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-textbox-number.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/138/=Controlguide-textbox-number.png" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;textbox type="password"&gt;</strong>
    <p>A textbox that hides the characters typed, used for entering passwords.</p>

&lt;textbox type="password"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/textbox" title="en/XUL/textbox">Textbox Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-textbox-password.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/139/=Controlguide-textbox-password.png" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;textbox type="search"&gt;</strong>
    <p>{{ Gecko_minversion_inline("1.9.1") }}</p>

    <p>A textbox for searching.</p>

&lt;textbox type="search"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/textbox" title="en/XUL/textbox">Textbox Reference</a></li>
   <td><strong>&lt;textbox type="timed"&gt;</strong>
    <p>Deprecated in Gecko 1.9.1</p>

    <p>A textbox for responding to user input. The command event is fired after the user stops typing, or if the user tabs away or hits Enter.</p>

&lt;textbox type="timed"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/textbox" title="en/XUL/textbox">Textbox Reference</a></li>
    <p>{{ Gecko_minversion_inline(1.9) }}</p>

    <p>A timepicker displays a set of textboxes for entering a time.</p>

&lt;timepicker value="12:05"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL/timepicker" title="en/XUL/timepicker">Timepicker Reference</a></li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-timepicker.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/141/=Controlguide-timepicker.gif" /></td>
    <p>A button that is displayed on a toolbar.</p>

&lt;toolbarbutton label="Reload"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Toolbars" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Toolbars">More information about the toolbarbutton element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/toolbarbutton" title="en/XUL/toolbarbutton">Toolbarbutton Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("toolbar") }}</li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-toolbarbutton.png" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/143/=Controlguide-toolbarbutton.png" /></td>
   <td><strong>&lt;toolbarbutton type="menu"&gt;</strong>
    <p>A button that is displayed on a toolbar with a drop down menu attached to it.</p>

&lt;toolbarbutton type="menu" label="Show"&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="Toolbars"/&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="Status Bar"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Toolbars" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Toolbars">More information about this type of menu toolbarbutton element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/toolbarbutton" title="en/XUL/toolbarbutton">Toolbarbutton Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("menupopup") }} {{ XULElem("menuitem") }} {{ XULElem("toolbar") }}</li>
   <td><strong>&lt;toolbarbutton type="menu-button"&gt;</strong>
    <p>A button on a toolbar that that has a separate arrow button with a menu attached to it. Unlike with the '<code>menu</code>' type, a separate action may be performed when the main part of the button is pressed.</p>

&lt;toolbarbutton type="menu-button" label="Open"&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="Open Changed Files"/&gt;
    &lt;menuitem label="Open All"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Toolbars" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Toolbars">More information about this type of menu toolbarbutton element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/toolbarbutton" title="en/XUL/toolbarbutton">Toolbarbutton Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("menupopup") }} {{ XULElem("menuitem") }} {{ XULElem("toolbar") }}</li>
    <p>A tree displays a hierarchy of items in multiple columns.</p>

    &lt;treecol label="Name" flex="1"/&gt;
    &lt;treecol label="Size" flex="1"/&gt;
        &lt;treecell label="Popcorn"/&gt;
        &lt;treecell label="Large"/&gt;
        &lt;treecell label="Root Beer"/&gt;
        &lt;treecell label="Small"/&gt;

     <li><a href="/en/XUL_Tutorial/Trees" title="en/XUL_Tutorial/Trees">More information about the tree element</a>.</li>
     <li><a href="/en/XUL/tree" title="en/XUL/tree">Tree Reference</a></li>
     <li>Related Elements: {{ XULElem("treecell") }} {{ XULElem("treechildren") }} {{ XULElem("treecol") }} {{ XULElem("treecols") }} {{ XULElem("treeitem") }} {{ XULElem("treerow") }}</li>
   <td><img alt="Image:Controlguide-tree.gif" class="internal" src="/@api/deki/files/144/=Controlguide-tree.gif" /></td>

<p>{{ languages( { "fr": "fr/Les_contr\u00f4les_XUL", "ja": "ja/XUL_controls", "pl": "pl/Kontrolki_XUL" } ) }}</p>
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