{"json_modified": "2016-04-01T02:20:41.001847", "uuid": "e79d2be7-155b-4d60-8e22-169bfcc4fbb0", "title": "Scroll-linked effects", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Performance/Scroll-linked_effects", "tags": ["Scroll", "performance", "CSS", "JavaScript", "Performance", "compositor", "Scroll-Linked Effects", "Web Animations"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-04-01T02:20:40", "label": "Scroll-linked effects", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 170089, "last_edit": "2016-04-01T02:20:38", "summary": "The definition of a scroll-linked effect is an effect implemented on a webpage where something changes based on the scroll position, for example updating a positioning property with the aim of producing a parallax scrolling effect. This article discusses scroll-linked effects, their effect on performance, related tools, and possible mitigation techniques.", "sections": [{"id": "Scrolling_effects_explained", "title": "Scrolling effects explained"}, {"id": "Example_1_Sticky_positioning", "title": "Example 1: Sticky positioning"}, {"id": "Example_2_Scroll_snapping", "title": "Example 2: Scroll snapping"}, {"id": "Other_effects", "title": "Other effects"}, {"id": "Future_improvements", "title": "Future improvements"}, {"id": "Call_to_action", "title": "Call to action"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Performance/Scroll-linked_effects", "review_tags": ["editorial"]}