{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:19:50.182274", "uuid": "3778cec6-4a53-48b2-aac2-f4bc18d43edc", "title": "Mozilla Style System", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Mozilla_style_system", "tags": ["CSS", "Gecko", "Developing Mozilla"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-02-29T11:20:53", "label": "Mozilla Style System", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 36838, "last_edit": "2007-11-05T04:31:20", "summary": "The Style System is the module of Mozilla's code responsible for the loading and parsing of CSS style sheets, and the computation of computed values for all CSS properties. The handling of those computed values is the responsibility of other parts of the code.", "sections": [{"id": "Architecture", "title": " Architecture "}, {"id": "Computed_style_.28front_end.29", "title": " Computed style (front end) "}, {"id": "Style_structs", "title": " Style structs "}, {"id": "Rule_tree", "title": " Rule tree "}, {"id": "Style_data_computation", "title": " Style data computation "}, {"id": "CSS_style_sheet_backend", "title": " CSS style sheet backend "}, {"id": "Loading", "title": " Loading "}, {"id": "Parsing", "title": " Parsing "}, {"id": "Data_structures", "title": " Data structures "}, {"id": "Cascading", "title": " Cascading "}, {"id": "HTML_Mapped_Attribute_backend", "title": " HTML Mapped Attribute backend "}, {"id": "CSS_style_attribute_backend", "title": " CSS style attribute backend "}, {"id": "Handling_of_dynamic_changes", "title": " Handling of dynamic changes "}, {"id": "See_Also", "title": " See Also "}], "slug": "Mozilla/Mozilla_style_system", "review_tags": []}