{"json_modified": "2016-05-13T14:31:50.155263", "uuid": "0a7528ae-0aae-4096-bf40-ad3ae4f68d5c", "title": "Creating a localized Windows installer of SeaMonkey", "url": "/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Creating_a_localized_Windows_installer_of_SeaMonkey", "tags": ["Internationalization", "Localization", "SeaMonkey"], "translations": [{"uuid": "4260fa75-3faa-43a5-ab8f-c202303f45dd", "title": "Creare un installer per Windows di SeaMonkey", "url": "/it/docs/Creare_un_installer_per_Windows_di_SeaMonkey", "tags": ["Localizzazione"], "summary": "Premessa: non tutti i programmi elencati sotto sono strettamente necessari. Alcuni semplicemente sono quelli che io uso perch\u00e9 mi ci trovo bene, mentre altri sono script che ho creato per velocizzare il lavoro. Potete in ogni caso scegliere il programma che vi piace di pi\u00f9 per svolgere certe operazioni, come potete non sfruttare gli script e scrivere ogni volta i comandi a mano. La scelta \u00e8 vostra!", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "it", "last_edit": "2016-05-13T14:31:48", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-02-29T02:15:47", "label": "Creating a localized Windows installer of SeaMonkey", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 18158, "last_edit": "2015-02-22T04:48:16", "summary": "Preamble: not all of the programs listed below are necessary. Some of them are simply the ones I use because I like them, while others are scripts that I've created to speed up the work. You can in every case choose the program you prefer to do some operations, and you can also decide not to use any of my scripts and manually enter all of the commands by hand. It's your choice!", "sections": [{"id": "Our_toolbox", "title": "Our toolbox"}, {"id": "First_steps", "title": "First steps"}, {"id": "Translate_text_files", "title": "Translate text files"}, {"id": "The_langenus.xpi_file", "title": "The langenus.xpi file"}, {"id": "The_regus.xpi_file", "title": "The regus.xpi file"}, {"id": "The_deflenus.xpi_file", "title": "The deflenus.xpi file"}, {"id": "The_first_group_of_file", "title": "The first group of file"}, {"id": "The_second_group_of_file", "title": "The second group of file"}, {"id": "The_gre-win32-installer.zip_file", "title": "The gre-win32-installer.zip file"}, {"id": "Let.27s_create_the_installer.21", "title": "Let's create the installer!"}, {"id": "Tips.2C_tricks_&_scripts", "title": "Tips, tricks & scripts"}, {"id": "Automatize_the_operations", "title": "Automatize the operations"}, {"id": "Credits", "title": "Credits"}], "slug": "Mozilla/Creating_a_localized_Windows_installer_of_SeaMonkey", "review_tags": []}