{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:35:33.198873", "uuid": "8e7d6b40-75cc-4898-ad24-d3063abaa9d3", "title": "Topic driver role", "url": "/en-US/docs/MDN/Community/Roles/Topic_driver_role", "tags": ["Community", "Guide", "MDN Meta", "Roles"], "translations": [], "modified": "2015-09-14T17:39:49", "label": "Topic driver role", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 100751, "last_edit": "2015-09-14T17:39:48", "summary": "An MDN topic driver coordinates and leads documentation activities on MDN for a particular topic area. They stay informed about new developments in their topic area, whether in Mozilla, standards bodies, or other technology companies, as appropriate. They do not have to do all documentation work related to their topic themselves, and in fact, they are encouraged to gather a group of contributors interested in the topic, and delegate tasks among the group. See the Topic drivers page for a list of topic areas and current topic drivers.", "sections": [{"id": "Why_be_a_topic_driver", "title": "Why be a topic driver?"}, {"id": "Becoming_a_topic_driver", "title": "Becoming a topic driver"}, {"id": "Helping_an_existing_topic_driver", "title": "Helping an existing topic driver"}, {"id": "Are_topic_drivers_different_than_mentors", "title": "Are topic drivers different than mentors?"}, {"id": "Responsibilities", "title": "Responsibilities"}, {"id": "Privileges", "title": "Privileges"}, {"id": "Leaving_the_role", "title": "Leaving the role"}], "slug": "MDN/Community/Roles/Topic_driver_role", "review_tags": []}