{"json_modified": "2016-08-27T01:53:35.758338", "uuid": "db5298f0-8e89-4ebe-99b1-a2bdfdafbabf", "title": "Useful string methods", "url": "/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Useful_string_methods", "tags": ["Beginner", "JavaScript", "Article", "indexof", "CodingScripting", "case", "length", "split", "Learn", "lower", "upper", "beginner", "replace"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-08-27T01:53:35", "label": "Useful string methods", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 188687, "last_edit": "2016-08-27T01:53:29", "summary": "Now we've looked at the very basics of strings, let's move up a gear and start thinking about what useful operations we can do on strings with built-in methods, such as finding the length of a text string, joining and splitting strings, substituting one character in a string for another, and more.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Strings_as_objects", "title": "Strings as objects"}, {"id": "Hidden_code", "title": "Hidden code"}, {"id": "Finding_the_length_of_a_string", "title": "Finding the length of a string"}, {"id": "Retrieving_a_specific_string_character", "title": "Retrieving a specific string character"}, {"id": "Finding_a_substring_inside_a_string_and_extracting_it", "title": "Finding a substring inside a string and extracting it"}, {"id": "Changing_case", "title": "Changing case"}, {"id": "Updating_parts_of_a_string", "title": "Updating parts of a string"}, {"id": "Active_learning_examples", "title": "Active learning examples"}, {"id": "Filtering_greeting_messages", "title": "Filtering greeting messages"}, {"id": "Playable_code", "title": "Playable code"}, {"id": "Fixing_capitalization", "title": "Fixing capitalization"}, {"id": "Playable_code_2", "title": "Playable code 2"}, {"id": "Making_new_strings_from_old_parts", "title": "Making new strings from old parts"}, {"id": "Playable_code_3", "title": "Playable code 3"}, {"id": "Conclusion", "title": "Conclusion"}], "slug": "Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Useful_string_methods", "review_tags": []}