{"json_modified": "2016-08-27T01:53:53.548086", "uuid": "d570b870-fc71-423a-bebc-94db43ffd481", "title": "Basic math in JavaScript \u2014 numbers and operators", "url": "/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Math", "tags": ["Beginner", "modulo", "increment", "Guide", "augmented", "Learn", "Article", "CodingScripting", "Math", "JavaScript", "maths", "Operators", "beginner"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-08-27T01:53:53", "label": "Basic math in JavaScript \u2014 numbers and operators", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 188014, "last_edit": "2016-08-27T01:53:48", "summary": "In this article we have covered the fundamental information you need to know about numbers in JavaScript, for now. You'll see numbers used again and again, all the way through your JavaScript learning, so it's a good idea to get this out of the way now. If you are one of those people that doesn't enjoy math, you can take comfort in the fact that this chapter was pretty short.", "sections": [{"id": "Quick_Links", "title": null}, {"id": "Everybody_loves_math", "title": "Everybody loves math"}, {"id": "Types_of_numbers", "title": "Types of numbers"}, {"id": "It's_all_numbers_to_me", "title": "It's all numbers to me"}, {"id": "Hidden_code", "title": "Hidden code"}, {"id": "Arithmetic_operators", "title": "Arithmetic operators"}, {"id": "Operator_precedence", "title": "Operator precedence"}, {"id": "Increment_and_decrement_operators", "title": "Increment and decrement operators"}, {"id": "Assignment_operators", "title": "Assignment operators"}, {"id": "Active_learning_sizing_a_canvas_box", "title": "Active learning: sizing a canvas box"}, {"id": "Playable_code", "title": "Playable code"}, {"id": "Comparison_operators", "title": "Comparison operators"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}], "slug": "Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Math", "review_tags": []}