{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:39:25.468785", "uuid": "ee39574e-2fc3-4fa1-a428-7d37d6c1b01f", "title": "How do you make sure your website works properly?", "url": "/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Checking_that_your_web_site_is_working_properly", "tags": ["Beginner", "Guide", "troubleshooting", "Web", "Document", "NeedsActiveLearning", "Web Development", "WebMechanics"], "translations": [{"uuid": "411b1b6d-3234-44af-81c7-a6572c30ae79", "title": "Tester le bon fonctionnement de votre site web", "url": "/fr/docs/Apprendre/Tester_le_bon_fonctionnement_de_votre_site_web", "tags": ["Beginner", "Guide", "Web", "Document", "NeedsActiveLearning", "Web Development", "WebMechanics"], "summary": "Vous avez donc publi\u00e9 votre site web en ligne. Bien. Mais \u00eates-vous s\u00fbr-e que celui-ci fonctionne correctement ?", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2015-10-12T10:37:22", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-03-02T06:38:17", "label": "How do you make sure your website works properly?", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 131039, "last_edit": "2016-03-02T06:37:41", "summary": "So you've published your website online? Very good! But are you sure it works properly?", "sections": [{"id": "Active_Learning", "title": "Active Learning"}, {"id": "Dig_deeper", "title": "Dig deeper"}, {"id": "Test_in_your_browser", "title": "Test in your browser"}, {"id": "Uh-oh_where's_the_image", "title": "Uh-oh, where's the image?"}, {"id": "HTTP_statuses", "title": "HTTP statuses"}, {"id": "Fixing_the_404", "title": "Fixing the 404"}, {"id": "Frequent_errors", "title": "Frequent errors"}, {"id": "Typos_in_the_address", "title": "Typos in the address"}, {"id": "404_errors", "title": "404 errors"}, {"id": "JavaScript_errors", "title": "JavaScript errors"}, {"id": "More_things_to_check", "title": "More things to check"}, {"id": "How's_the_performance", "title": "How's the performance?"}, {"id": "Is_the_server_responsive_enough", "title": "Is the server responsive enough?"}, {"id": "A_simple_checklist", "title": "A simple checklist"}, {"id": "Next_steps", "title": "Next steps"}], "slug": "Learn/Common_questions/Checking_that_your_web_site_is_working_properly", "review_tags": []}