{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:39:23.782945", "uuid": "4bfe33ba-f9e6-4876-8f96-e8aa955844d0", "title": "What text editors are available?", "url": "/en-US/docs/Learn/Common_questions/Available_text_editors", "tags": ["Tools", "Beginner", "Guide", "Composing", "text editor", "NeedsActiveLearning"], "translations": [{"uuid": "f776eb28-5c37-43a4-94fc-0abc6394fdd4", "title": "Choisir, installer et param\u00e9trer un \u00e9diteur de texte", "url": "/fr/docs/Apprendre/Choisir_installer_param%C3%A9trer_un_%C3%A9diteur_de_texte", "tags": ["Tools", "Beginner", "Guide", "Composing", "NeedsActiveLearning"], "summary": "Un site web est, pour une grande partie, compos\u00e9 de fichiers texte. Pour cette raison, afin de d\u00e9velopper dans les meilleures conditions, vous devriez choisir votre \u00e9diteur de texte soigneusement.", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2015-09-10T10:48:22", "review_tags": []}], "modified": "2016-03-02T11:28:37", "label": "What text editors are available?", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 130967, "last_edit": "2016-03-02T11:27:41", "summary": "A website consists mostly of text files, so for a fun, pleasant development experience you should choose your text editor wisely.", "sections": [{"id": "Subnav", "title": "Subnav"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}, {"id": "Active_Learning", "title": "Active Learning"}, {"id": "Dig_deeper", "title": "Dig deeper"}, {"id": "Choice_criteria", "title": "Choice criteria"}, {"id": "Which_OS_(operating_system)_do_I_want_to_work_with", "title": "Which OS (operating system) do I want to work with?"}, {"id": "What_kind_of_technologies_do_I_want_to_manipulate", "title": "What kind of technologies do I want to manipulate?"}, {"id": "What_kind_of_basic_features_do_I_expect_from_my_text_editor", "title": "What kind of basic features do I expect from my text editor?"}, {"id": "Do_I_want_to_add_extra_features_to_my_text_editor", "title": "Do I want to add extra features to my text editor?"}, {"id": "Do_I_need_supporthelp_while_using_my_text_editor", "title": "Do I need support/help while using my text editor?"}, {"id": "Does_my_text_editor's_look-and-feel_matter_to_me", "title": "Does my text editor's look-and-feel matter to me?"}, {"id": "Install_and_set_up", "title": "Install and set up"}, {"id": "Next_steps", "title": "Next steps"}], "slug": "Learn/Common_questions/Available_text_editors", "review_tags": []}