{"json_modified": "2016-05-12T09:19:40.009870", "uuid": "261ab3d6-ff65-4741-833d-a2a044a30f1a", "title": "2D maze game with device orientation", "url": "/en-US/docs/Games/Tutorials/HTML5_Gamedev_Phaser_Device_Orientation", "tags": ["Canvas", "Vibration API", "Phaser", "Game Development", "Device Orientation API", "HTML5"], "translations": [{"uuid": "7a2f8379-857d-4a2f-bdf2-7a2c201dac40", "title": "Introducci\u00f3n al Desarrollo de Juegos en HTML5 con Phaser y la API de Orientaci\u00f3n a Dispositivos", "url": "/es/docs/Games/Workflows/HTML5_Gamedev_Phaser_Device_Orientation", "tags": [], "summary": "En este tutorial vamos a ir paso a paso a trav\u00e9s del proceso de construcci\u00f3n de un juego en HTML5 para m\u00f3viles que utilizar\u00e1 el API de Orientaci\u00f3n para Dispositivos en el modo de juego desde su n\u00facleo y estar\u00e1 construido utilizando el framework Phaser. Se requieren conocimientos b\u00e1sicos de JavaScript para aprender el siguiente art\u00edculo. Iremos a trav\u00e9s de este tutorial y al final de cada etapa encontrar\u00e1s el c\u00f3digo fuente del trabajo realizado para poder jugar. Al final del tutorial tendremos una demo completamente funcional del juego.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "es", "last_edit": "2014-08-13T13:52:56", "review_tags": []}, {"uuid": "09a97b3a-13fe-4140-95ba-574a4729eaf0", "title": "Introduction au d\u00e9veloppement de jeux HTML5 avec Phaser et l'API du gyroscope", "url": "/fr/docs/Games/Workflows/HTML5_Gamedev_Phaser_Device_Orientation_FR", "tags": [], "summary": "I hope that the tutorial above was easy to learn from and you can dive into Phaser, read the documentation, hack the examples and create awesome games on your own already. You can play the demo of the Cyber Orb game or check out the source code on GitHub. The technology gives us the tools, the frameworks are getting faster and better, so you just have to start your own journey and see if HTML5 game development is something that you want to spend your time on.", "localization_tags": ["inprogress"], "locale": "fr", "last_edit": "2016-01-01T21:05:59", "review_tags": ["editorial"]}], "modified": "2016-05-12T09:19:38", "label": "2D maze game with device orientation", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 90321, "last_edit": "2016-03-14T03:43:17", "summary": "I hope this tutorial will help you dive into 2D game development and inspire you to create awesome games on your own. You can play the demo game Cyber Orb and check out its source code on GitHub.", "sections": [{"id": "Subnav", "title": "Subnav"}, {"id": "Example_game", "title": "Example game"}, {"id": "Phaser_framework", "title": "Phaser framework"}, {"id": "Starting_with_the_project", "title": "Starting with the project"}, {"id": "Setting_up_the_Canvas", "title": "Setting up the Canvas"}, {"id": "Managing_game_states", "title": "Managing game states"}, {"id": "Boot.js", "title": "Boot.js"}, {"id": "Preloader.js", "title": "Preloader.js"}, {"id": "MainMenu.js", "title": "MainMenu.js"}, {"id": "Howto.js", "title": "Howto.js"}, {"id": "Game.js", "title": "Game.js"}, {"id": "Adding_the_ball_and_its_motion_mechanics", "title": "Adding the ball and its motion mechanics"}, {"id": "Controlling_the_ball", "title": "Controlling the ball"}, {"id": "Implementing_the_Device_Orientation_API", "title": "Implementing the Device Orientation API"}, {"id": "Adding_the_hole", "title": "Adding the hole"}, {"id": "Building_the_block_labyrinth", "title": "Building the block labyrinth"}, {"id": "Collision_detection", "title": "Collision detection"}, {"id": "Adding_the_sound", "title": "Adding the sound"}, {"id": "Implementing_the_Vibration_API", "title": "Implementing the Vibration API"}, {"id": "Adding_the_elapsed_time", "title": "Adding the elapsed time"}, {"id": "Finishing_the_level_and_the_game", "title": "Finishing the level and the game"}, {"id": "Ideas_for_new_features", "title": "Ideas for new features"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}], "slug": "Games/Tutorials/HTML5_Gamedev_Phaser_Device_Orientation", "review_tags": []}