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Revision 1123137 of Building up a basic demo with Whitestorm.js

  • Revision slug: Games/Techniques/3D_on_the_web/Building_up_a_basic_demo_with_Whitestorm.js
  • Revision title: Building up a basic demo with Whitestorm.js
  • Revision id: 1123137
  • Created:
  • Creator: sasha240100
  • Is current revision? No
  • Comment

Revision Content

Whitestorm.js is a framework built on the top of Three.js technology. It's main distinction is existance of built-in Physics engine. Basically, it is a modified Physi.js, API wrapper around Ammo.js (Bullet Physics ported to JavaScript) with usage of web-workers technology. Next main addition is a plugin system based Whitestorm.js modularity. Developers can share their plugins & components and include them in really big projects.

Environment setup


  1. Run npm install whitestormjs
  2. Import whitetormjs module to your app and start using:
import * as WHS from 'whitestormjs';

const world = new WHS.World({
  background: {
    color: 0xDDDDDD

// ...


  1. Run bower install whitestormjs
  2. Include whitetormjs to your browser:
<script src="bower_components/whitestormjs/build/whitestorm.js"></script>


Include a script tag linking the WhitestormJS library in your head or after your body:

<script src="{path_to_lib}/whitestorm.js"></script>


Fast explanation:

  1. Make a javascript file or use <script> tag to develop main app.
  2. Now you can work with WhitestormJS framework and make a 3D scene.
  3. Make a WHS.World object. It will process all other objects added to world (it's children).
  4. World renders in a <canvas> tag and we need add it to DOM. To do this - simply specify container property in WHS.World. It's default: document.body.
  5. Another object is WHS.Sphere. It is a basic component for THREE's THREE.SphereGeometry. It is based on WHS.Shape class that wraps API for working with meshes. You can specify position (pos), rotation (rot), scale, material and all mesh-related stuff right in this class.
const world = new WHS.World({
    stats: "fps", // fps, ms, mb or false if not need.
    autoresize: "window", // Call autoresize when app window is resized.

    gravity: { // Physic gravity.
        x: 0,
        y: -100,
        z: 0

    camera: {
      z: 50 // Move camera.

    container: document.body

const sphere = new WHS.Sphere({ // Create sphere object.
  geometry: { // It will create a THREE.SphereGeometry(3)
    radius: 3

  mass: 10, // Mass of physics object.

  material: { // Material
    color: 0xffffff,
    kind: 'basic' // THREE.MeshBasicMaterial

  pos: { // Position vector.
    x: 0,
    y: 100,
    z: 0

sphere.addTo(world); // Add Sphere to world.

world.start(); // Start animations and physics simulation.

There is also explanation for usage with webpack

Creating a world

When you create a world in Whitestorm.js it automatically creates THREE.Scene, WebGL renderer and applies camera. But don't worry, all of them you can access simply as: WHS.World is highly editable class. All parameters are non-required and have their own default values. Check or change them you can in WHS.World.defaultsSee all of them

const world = new WHS.World({
  background: {
    color: 0xffffff

  camera: {
    z: 50

  gravity: {
    y: -100

Using physics in Whitestorm.js is not required. You may rather use whitestorm.light.js build that is without included Ammo.js and physics part.

Rendering a box

Same rule with defaults is also related to other classes. Each mesh consist of geometry & material. As we make a WHS.Box component - our geometry is THREE.BoxGeometry. If you know Three.js - you would probably ask: What if i want to use THREE.BoxBufferGeometry? - The answer is a buffer property.

const cube = new WHS.Box({
  geometry: {
    width: 10,
    height: 10,
    depth: 10

  material: {
    kind: 'basic',
    color: 0x0095DD

  rot: {
    x: 0.4,
    y: 0.2


cube.addTo() method is used to apply this box to a specific world object that will render it and process collisions, "z-index" (Calculated by camera direction and other objects positions), it's color on rendered image (can depend on lights & shadows of other objects).


This JSFiddle uses whitestorm.light.js (A version without built-in physics).         You may also check the one with physics:


Components & Plugins

Almost each whitestorm.js class is a component. Box, Sphere, Tetrahedron - all these are components, but basic (simple Three.js geometries based on WHS.Shape).

Adding custom components is also welcome. To develop your own plugin/component you have to install generator-whs-plugin and follow it's instruction:

  1. Make a new repository.
  2. Install Yeomannpm install -g yo
  3. Install Whitestorm.js plugin generatornpm install -g generator-whs-plugin
  4. Run yo whs-plugin.
  5. Edit files in src/ for your needs. You will see already defined plugin source there, just change it as you want.


Playground is where you can create a basic whitestormjs app without downloading a WhitestormJS or setting up a project. You can also share your app with others by clicking “share” button and then you can share it in twitter, facebook or just copy to clipboard.



Revision Source

<p class="summary"><a href="">Whitestorm.js</a> is a framework built on the top of&nbsp;<a href="">Three.js</a>&nbsp;technology. It's main distinction is existance of built-in Physics engine. Basically, it is a modified&nbsp;<a href="">Physi.js</a>, API wrapper around&nbsp;<a href="">Ammo.js</a>&nbsp;(Bullet Physics ported to JavaScript) with usage of web-workers technology. Next main addition is a&nbsp;<a href="">plugin system</a>&nbsp;based Whitestorm.js modularity. Developers can share their plugins &amp; components and include them in really big projects.</p>

<p><img alt="" src="" style="height:931px; width:1891px" /></p>

<h2>Environment setup</h2>


 <li>Run&nbsp;<code>npm install whitestormjs</code></li>
 <li>Import&nbsp;<strong>whitetormjs</strong>&nbsp;module to your app and start using:</li>

<pre class="brush: js">
import * as WHS from 'whitestormjs';

const world = new WHS.World({
  background: {
    color: 0xDDDDDD

// ...</pre>


 <li>Run&nbsp;<code>bower install whitestormjs</code></li>
 <li>Include&nbsp;<strong>whitetormjs</strong>&nbsp;to your browser:</li>

<pre class="brush: html">
&lt;script src="bower_components/whitestormjs/build/whitestorm.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>


<p>Include a script tag linking the&nbsp;<a href="">WhitestormJS</a>&nbsp;library in your&nbsp;<code>head</code>&nbsp;or after your&nbsp;<code>body</code>:</p>

<pre class="brush: html">
&lt;script src="{path_to_lib}/whitestorm.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>


<p><strong>Fast explanation:</strong></p>

 <li>Make a javascript file or use&nbsp;<code>&lt;script&gt;</code>&nbsp;tag to develop main app.</li>
 <li>Now you can work with WhitestormJS framework and make a 3D scene.</li>
 <li>Make a&nbsp;<code>WHS.World</code>&nbsp;object. It will process all other objects added to world (it's children).</li>
 <li>World renders in a&nbsp;<code>&lt;canvas&gt;</code>&nbsp;tag and we need add it to DOM. To do this - simply specify&nbsp;<code>container</code>&nbsp;property in WHS.World. It's default:&nbsp;<code>document.body</code>.</li>
 <li>Another object is&nbsp;<code>WHS.Sphere</code>. It is a basic component for THREE's&nbsp;<code>THREE.SphereGeometry</code>. It is based on&nbsp;<code>WHS.Shape</code>&nbsp;class that wraps API for working with meshes. You can specify position (pos), rotation (rot), scale, material and all mesh-related stuff right in this class.</li>

<pre class="brush: js">
const world = new WHS.World({
    stats: "fps", // fps, ms, mb or false if not need.
    autoresize: "window", // Call autoresize when app window is resized.

    gravity: { // Physic gravity.
        x: 0,
        y: -100,
        z: 0

    camera: {
      z: 50 // Move camera.

    container: document.body

const sphere = new WHS.Sphere({ // Create sphere object.
  geometry: { // It will create a THREE.SphereGeometry(3)
    radius: 3

  mass: 10, // Mass of physics object.

  material: { // Material
    color: 0xffffff,
    kind: 'basic' // THREE.MeshBasicMaterial

  pos: { // Position vector.
    x: 0,
    y: 100,
    z: 0

sphere.addTo(world); // Add Sphere to world.

world.start(); // Start animations and physics simulation.

<div class="note">
<p>There is also explanation for&nbsp;<a href="">usage with webpack</a></p>

<h2>Creating a world</h2>

<p>When you create a world in Whitestorm.js it automatically creates&nbsp;<code>THREE.Scene</code>, WebGL renderer and applies camera. But don't worry, all of them you can access simply as:&nbsp;<code>world.scene</code>,&nbsp;<code>world.renderer</code>,&nbsp;<code></code>. WHS.World is highly editable class. All parameters are non-required and have their own default values. Check or change them you can in&nbsp;<code>WHS.World.defaults</code>.&nbsp;<a href="">See all of them</a></p>

<pre class="brush: js">
const world = new WHS.World({
  background: {
    color: 0xffffff

  camera: {
    z: 50

  gravity: {
    y: -100

<div class="note">
<p><strong>Using physics in Whitestorm.js is not required</strong>. You may rather use&nbsp;<code>whitestorm.light.js</code>&nbsp;build that is without included <a href="">Ammo.js</a> and physics part.</p>

<h2>Rendering a box</h2>

<p>Same rule with defaults is also related to other classes. Each mesh consist of geometry &amp; material. As we make a WHS.Box component - our geometry is&nbsp;<code>THREE.BoxGeometry</code>. If you know Three.js - you would probably ask: What if i want to use&nbsp;<code>THREE.BoxBufferGeometry</code>? - The answer is a&nbsp;<a href=""><code>buffer</code></a>&nbsp;property.</p>

<pre class="brush: js">
const cube = new WHS.Box({
  geometry: {
    width: 10,
    height: 10,
    depth: 10

  material: {
    kind: 'basic',
    color: 0x0095DD

  rot: {
    x: 0.4,
    y: 0.2


<p><code>cube.addTo()</code>&nbsp;method is used to apply this box to a specific world object that will render it and process collisions, "z-index" (Calculated by camera direction and other objects positions), it's color on rendered image (can depend on lights &amp; shadows of other objects).</p>


<div class="note">
<p><strong>This JSFiddle uses <code>whitestorm.light.js</code></strong> <strong>(A version without built-in physics).</strong> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; You may also check the one with physics:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p>


<h2>Components &amp; Plugins</h2>

<p>Almost each whitestorm.js class is a component. Box, Sphere, Tetrahedron - all these are components, but basic (simple Three.js geometries based on&nbsp;<a href="">WHS.Shape</a>).</p>

<p>Adding custom components is also welcome. To develop your own plugin/component you have to install&nbsp;<a href="">generator-whs-plugin</a>&nbsp;and follow it's instruction:</p>

 <li>Make a new repository.</li>
 <li>Install&nbsp;<strong>Yeoman</strong>:&nbsp;<code>npm install -g yo</code></li>
 <li>Install&nbsp;<strong>Whitestorm.js plugin generator</strong>:&nbsp;<code>npm install -g generator-whs-plugin</code></li>
 <li>Run&nbsp;<code>yo whs-plugin</code>.</li>
 <li>Edit files in&nbsp;<strong>src/</strong>&nbsp;for your needs. You will see already defined plugin source there, just change it as you want.</li>


<p><a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="" data-canonical-src="" src="" /></a></p>

<p>Playground is where you can create a basic whitestormjs app without downloading a WhitestormJS or setting up a project. You can also share your app with others by clicking “share” button and then you can share it in twitter, facebook or just copy to clipboard.</p>


 <li><a href="">WhitestormJS website / API</a></li>
 <li><a href="">Github</a></li>
 <li><a href="">Playground</a></li>


 <li><a href="">Developing a street basketball game. Part I: Getting workflow ready</a></li>
 <li><a href="">Developing a street basketball game. Part ll: Throw a ball into a basket.</a></li>
 <li><a href="">Developing a street basketball game. Part lll: Level selecting and stats</a></li>
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