{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:50:20.520292", "uuid": "38d30e53-7395-4f94-ae0f-ed352cf23a00", "title": "Building up a basic demo with PlayCanvas editor", "url": "/en-US/docs/Games/Techniques/3D_on_the_web/Building_up_a_basic_demo_with_PlayCanvas/editor", "tags": ["Canvas", "Lightning", "Beginner", "PlayCanvas", "3D", "rendering", "WebGL", "camera", "Tutorial", "editor", "Animation", "Online", "Games"], "translations": [], "modified": "2016-01-27T05:34:32", "label": "Building up a basic demo with PlayCanvas editor", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 173339, "last_edit": "2016-01-25T01:52:28", "summary": "Now you can check the PlayCanvas engine article if you haven't seen it yet, go back to the Building up a basic demo with PlayCanvas page, or go back a level higher to the main 3D Games on the Web page.", "sections": [{"id": "Creating_an_account", "title": "Creating an account"}, {"id": "Creating_a_new_project", "title": "Creating a new project"}, {"id": "Creating_the_scene", "title": "Creating the scene"}, {"id": "Adding_more_shapes", "title": "Adding more shapes"}, {"id": "Animating_our_scene", "title": "Animating our scene"}, {"id": "The_cylinder", "title": "The cylinder"}, {"id": "The_cone", "title": "The cone"}, {"id": "Test_the_demo_out", "title": "Test the demo out"}, {"id": "Summary", "title": "Summary"}], "slug": "Games/Techniques/3D_on_the_web/Building_up_a_basic_demo_with_PlayCanvas/editor", "review_tags": []}