{"json_modified": "2016-03-28T08:21:54.783247", "uuid": "6a2cb637-ce82-48a5-8e9e-48484e4ddcae", "title": "Fighting Junk Mail with Netscape 7.1", "url": "/en-US/docs/Archive/Mozilla/Fighting_Junk_Mail_with_Netscape_7.1", "tags": ["User_Documentation"], "translations": [], "modified": "2014-05-26T23:19:56", "label": "Fighting Junk Mail with Netscape 7.1", "localization_tags": [], "locale": "en-US", "id": 44189, "last_edit": "2014-05-26T23:19:56", "summary": "Summary: Is your mail account drowning in a flood of spam? Netscape 7.1 includes built-in junk mail filtering that you can train to meet your specific needs. Eric Meyer share his experiences with making the junk mail controls more effective, and looks at other preferences you might want to set to keep your account safe.", "sections": [{"id": "Laying_the_Foundations", "title": "Laying the Foundations"}, {"id": "Fine-Tuning_the_Filters", "title": "Fine-Tuning the Filters"}, {"id": "Automatic_Junking", "title": "Automatic Junking"}, {"id": "Related_Settings", "title": "Related Settings"}, {"id": "Conclusion", "title": "Conclusion"}, {"id": "Original_Document_Information", "title": "Original Document Information"}], "slug": "Archive/Mozilla/Fighting_Junk_Mail_with_Netscape_7.1", "review_tags": []}