{"json_modified": "2014-03-25T17:55:57.898323", "slug": "Quirks_Mode_and_Standards_Mode", "tags": [], "locale": "cs", "title": "Quirks Mode and Standards Mode", "translations": [{"locale": "en-US", "url": "/en-US/docs/Quirks_Mode_and_Standards_Mode", "last_edit": "2013-11-14T11:34:47", "title": "Quirks Mode and Standards Mode"}, {"locale": "ja", "url": "/ja/docs/Quirks_Mode_and_Standards_Mode", "last_edit": "2013-04-05T14:29:57", "title": "Mozilla's Quirks Mode"}, {"locale": "fr", "url": "/fr/docs/Mode_quirks_de_Mozilla", "last_edit": "2012-10-22T10:25:53", "title": "Mode quirks de Mozilla"}, {"locale": "ko", "url": "/ko/docs/%ED%98%B8%ED%99%98_%EB%AA%A8%EB%93%9C%EC%99%80_%ED%91%9C%EC%A4%80_%EB%AA%A8%EB%93%9C", "last_edit": "2013-10-24T15:43:19", "title": "\ud638\ud658 \ubaa8\ub4dc\uc640 \ud45c\uc900 \ubaa8\ub4dc"}], "modified": "2014-03-25T17:55:57", "label": "Quirks Mode and Standards Mode", "url": "/cs/docs/Quirks_Mode_and_Standards_Mode", "last_edit": "2013-02-15T02:44:20", "summary": "In the old days of the web, pages were typically written in two versions: One for Netscape Navigator, and one for Microsoft Internet Explorer. When the web standards were made at W3C, browsers could not just start using them, as doing so would break most existing sites on the web. Browsers therefore introduced two modes to treat new standards compliant sites differently from old legacy sites.", "sections": [{"id": "How_does_Mozilla_determine_which_mode_to_use.3F", "title": "How do browsers determine which mode to use?"}, {"id": "XHTML", "title": "XHTML"}, {"id": "What_are_the_differences_between_the_modes.3F", "title": "How do I see which mode is used?"}, {"id": "What_are_the_differences_between_the_modes.3F", "title": "What are the differences between the modes?"}], "id": 61069, "review_tags": []}